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Mr.Lal Chand Sharma, 60/M (Business man)
I don�t feel like a patient! I have no pain at all. When will you release me from the hospital!!! � 3 hours after the surgery
Ms.Archana Lakshmanan,26/F (BMI 39.14)
I am amazed! I never expected to be so comfortable. I thought I would be in pain. I am surprisingly comfortable.
Mr.Taraka Ram,58/M (District court judge)
Am very comfortable. Thank you all.
Mr.Radhakrisnan 48,M (Engineer � Singapore)
I had lot of pain before surgery and after ERCP- pain score 7/10. Now after the surgery I am so comfortable and pain free
Mrs.Blessing Chinyere Ibekendu 47,F (Nigerian)
I have undergone Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy and Umbilical hernia repair and feel no pain at all. Am so grateful and thankful for a wonderful experience. FIVE STAR experience I would say.