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  • About Us

    Dr.Patta Radhakrishna,
    Dr.Jayapriya Ramas,
    Dr.Pooja Bagdi Agrawal,

  • About Day Surgery

    Same day discharge without spending a night in the hospital either before or after surgery.   

  • About our mission

    To promote laparoscopic day surgery and day care surgery for fistula-in-ano, fissure-in ano, piles and pilonidal-sinus etc...

Welcome To Day Surgery

Dr.Patta Radhakrishana

About 65% of all the operations performed worldwide can be done as a day procedure wherein there is no requirement for an overnight stay of the patient in the hospital.

Although this concept is followed to a great extent in the western world, for various reasons Indians still would like to spend a few days in the hospital and love to receive visitors with flowers and apples.Indian medicare and surgical technology is second to none and accordingly more and more patients are taking up to day surgery.

Many insurance companies are permitting day surgery claims as well.We, in Chennai gathered a large experience in performing day surgeries for gall bladder stones, inguinal hernia, ventral hernia, umbilical hernia, appendicitis, fistula-in-ano, fissure-in-ano, piles etc... Our laparoscopic surgical patients go back home in less than 6 hours of surgery.


Mr.Lal Chand Sharma (Business man)

I don't feel like a patient! I have no pain at all. When will you release me from the hospital!!! - 3 hours after the surgery.



what is a hernia

A hernia is a weakness or tear in the abdominal muscles that allows fatty tissue or an organ such as the intestines to protrude through the weak area. Hernias can occur in many places in the body, most often in the groin. Sometimes, a weak spot in the abdominal wall can even be present at birth


Meet Our Doctors

  • Graduated from Sri Ramachandra Medical College and had her DNB training in General surgery from Apollo

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  • Is a senior consultant in Anesthesiology who after graduating from Andhra Medical College,Vishakapatnam

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  • Graduated from Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Chidambaram and subsequently had her DNB training in Apollo.

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